About the cours

To start, make sure you have a notebook for College and Career Success. Each post/activity starts with a quickwrite (QW); you will complete your quickwrites in this notebook, and share them with your EF at your meetings. For each quickwrite, spend about 10 minutes writing down whatever comes to mind in response to the QW prompt. Try to write for the entire 10 minutes.

You can also use this notebook for any thoughts and reflections you want to jot down while completing the activities, and when we get to the college and career planning, you can keep your college list and other notes about college and career interests in your notebook.

If you are new to the course, start at the bottom and work your way up. New posts/activities will appear at the top.

Friday, August 24, 2018

This Year at GECS

QW (5 min): What are you looking forward to this year? What are you hoping to accomplish?

Assignment: Create a mini-book for this school year at GECS.  Directions for making a mini-book can be found in this video:

Create a cover for the book (a title and/or picture, and make sure you put your name on it).  On each page, you will draw a picture and write something.

  • Page 1: Something that makes you special
  • Page 2: Something you're looking forward to this year
  • Page 3: Something you're worried or nervous about this year.
  • Page 4: An academic (school-related) goal for this year
  • Page 5: A personal goal for this year
Use colored pencils, markers, crayons, natural dyes, yarn, beads, whatever represents your personal style, but make it colorful and creative!

Turn in your completed project to your EF.

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