QW (5 min): What is something that makes you special?
Assignment: create a product to tell me a little about yourself. This could be a short essay, a video, a collage; whatever you think represents who you are. Be sure to include information about what makes you special, and what you hope to get out of your education this year at GECS. Give or email your project to your EF.
Welcome to College and Career Success! This course will provide a chance for you to reflect on your strengths and interests, what's important to you, and where you want to go with your life. We will explore college and career training opportunities, and how to pay for further education beyond college. Ready to start? It all starts with you....
About the cours
To start, make sure you have a notebook for College and Career Success. Each post/activity starts with a quickwrite (QW); you will complete your quickwrites in this notebook, and share them with your EF at your meetings. For each quickwrite, spend about 10 minutes writing down whatever comes to mind in response to the QW prompt. Try to write for the entire 10 minutes.
You can also use this notebook for any thoughts and reflections you want to jot down while completing the activities, and when we get to the college and career planning, you can keep your college list and other notes about college and career interests in your notebook.
If you are new to the course, start at the bottom and work your way up. New posts/activities will appear at the top.
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