About the cours

To start, make sure you have a notebook for College and Career Success. Each post/activity starts with a quickwrite (QW); you will complete your quickwrites in this notebook, and share them with your EF at your meetings. For each quickwrite, spend about 10 minutes writing down whatever comes to mind in response to the QW prompt. Try to write for the entire 10 minutes.

You can also use this notebook for any thoughts and reflections you want to jot down while completing the activities, and when we get to the college and career planning, you can keep your college list and other notes about college and career interests in your notebook.

If you are new to the course, start at the bottom and work your way up. New posts/activities will appear at the top.

Friday, December 14, 2018

What's your major?

QW: What do you think is the best thing about college?  The hardest thing?

Interview two people who went to college using this worksheet.

Then write a 2-3 paragraph summary of what you learned from the interviews.  Focus specifically on anything you found interesting or surprising.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Thinking about Majors

QW: What would you study if you didn't have to worry about making money or getting a job?

When you think about what you want to major in in college, what comes to mind?  Do you have a subject you are passionate about and excited to start studying?  Or does the idea of choosing a course of study fill you with panic?  Or maybe a little of each?

Are you thinking of putting off the decision of what to study, and drifting for awhile?

Read this blog post  on choosing a major.  Now take a piece of paper and fold it in half.

For the left side, choose a major based on the idea of having a good job.  What major would you choose?  Why?  Write this at the top of the left column. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in this career.  Below where you've written the major, write a brief description of how you imagine a day in your life after you've graduated and gotten this "good job". How does this make you feel?  Excited? Nervous? Below your description, create a list of work-based experiences (e.g. internships or volunteer experiences) that would help you figure out if you would really enjoy this career.

For the right half of the paper, think of a major you might want to study just because it's interesting, without thinking about job prospects, and write the name of the major at the top of the right column.  Below the name of the major, explain why this is interesting to you. Do a Google search of "jobs with a _________ degree" and write down what you find.  Finally, create a list of some technical skills you could add to your studies to increase your job prospects if you were to choose this major.

Below what you've written in each column, draw a picture that captures your feelings about this major.

On the back of the paper, based on the above blog post and your experience in examining both choices, which do you think is the best course of action?  Create a list of possible majors, and identify the benefits and drawbacks of each.  Turn this paper in to your EF.